I am pleased to introduce ETA Mark Lee Pringle to SIDEBURNS followers. As an ETA, Mark sets himself apart from other ETAs by focusing exclusively on Elvis Presley in the early years of his career. Mark's passion for Elvis in the 1950s goes beyond performing his songs. At the end of his bio and photos I have provided additional information about Mark and his amazing collection and creations.
"1950s Historical ETA" Mark Lee Pringle
I'm from Girard, Ohio, and I've been an Elvis fan since the age of 3!! I've always loved his music and movies from all eras...but the time-period that really 'got me’ was the 1950s!
I played drums in a few country & western bands several years ago, and when it was time to do a fast dance tune, I got the honors. LOL. I would usually sing “Blue Suede Shoes”, “Hound Dog”, or “Whole Lot of Shakin”. Well, people kept coming up to me after the shows and saying to me, ''Hey, you should imitate Elvis; you sure sound like him.''
Well, I didn't give it much thought at first, because the fellas that were paying tribute to him back then were all 1970s era--gold sunglasses and white jumpsuits, and I couldn't see myself doing that portrayal.
I kicked the idea around a few months and thought, "I'll do 1950s Elvis!” (Not many people were doing the 50s back then, 17 years ago). So I started studying and researching everything I could get my hands on from his 50s career!!
I was/am determined to have the most detailed, historic portrayal, in both sound and visual!! Now I have the most historically detailed and correct outfits, guitars, microphones, and complete band-gear of any other ETA in the World! [Fact]
When I perform with my live band, we do the same song sets, in order, like Elvis did from 1954 to 1957, and I tell trivia and historic facts about the songs and time period.
This is just my 'take’ on it. (Everyone approaches their tribute their own way). I don't sell CDs, photos, DVDs, or T-shirts of 'me'. I keep my tribute to Elvis 'just that'! I tell my audiences, ''If you happen to like what you see and hear that I do, then go out and buy an Elvis CD/DVD/book or T-shirt!''
I used to compete when I first started, for the first 6 years, and came in 1st and 2nd place in many different contests from Cleveland to Memphis; but now I just focus on keeping my tribute as detailed as possible.
My wife, Brenda Pringle, plays piano and guitar, my son Scot Pringle plays drums, and my good friend, Bill Lewis, plays stand-up bass in our band.
I have a blast doing what I do, and it's an honor to pay tribute to Mr. Presley. I have been very blessed!
Thank you, friends! Mark Lee Pringle
Please call 330-545-2720 for bookings. I am also on
1950's Elvis Era Replicas and Gear
A Follow-Up and Thank You
I wish to thank ETA Mark Lee Pringle for sending along his bio and photos to post on SIDEBURNS Magazine. Mark has such an interesting Facebook page. Mark, a collector of 1950s Elvis memorabilia, makes most of his own 1950s Elvis costumes which he shares in photos on his Facebook page. Mark recently made a jacket like the one DIG Magazine gave Elvis in 1956 at his first Las Vegas appearance by reconstructing a beige jacket and hand drawing the DIG logo on the back of the jacket with permanent fabric markers. Mark's 1955 belted jacket, like the one Elvis wore at Ellis Auditorium, was crafted from three other jackets. Mark exhibits great artistic talent in the costumes he makes, and his knowledge of all things early Elvis is remarkable.* When I asked Mark about his costumes and collection, his response was, “I make/craft about 80% of my outfits. I try my best to make them as historically correct to what Elvis actually wore from 1954 to 1958. I collect only 1950’s items…either outfits, guitars, or items like he had at Audubon Drive or SUN Studio (Memphis Recording Service). Pics of all of these items are also on my Replicas and Gear page."
*Mark shares very interesting background stories that explain the costumes in the photos. Mark also recently posted some delightful photos and videos that celebrate Chinese New Year. Mark Lee Pringle--an ETA with many interests and talents! Cheers, Mark! Carolyn.
Update: June 10, 2020
Since Mark first appeared in Focus ON in 2018, he has given up his Elvis tribute and is selling all his works of art. We at SIDEBURNS Magazine wish Mark good health and much happiness in the years to come. Thank you, Mark, for such an interesting and inspiring post. Best regards, Carolyn MacArthur.
Attention to Detail
This post from Mark’s Facebook page is a fine example of how much work Mark puts into his re-creations.
Today, Oct. 26th. 1957, ''Jailhouse Rock'' went to number 1 on the charts!!! The movie is released on Nov. 8th, 1957. My replica hand-crafted outfits that I made portray the iconic jail outfit and the ''Beast in Me'' jacket from those scenes in the movie. For the 'jail' outfit, I bought a black jean-jacket and pants, then hand-drew all of the stitches and numbers with white 'puffy-paint'. I then took a referee's shirt and cut the stripe-panels and applied them to a black dress-shirt. I also bought a pair of black All-Star Converse sneakers and blackened the toes just like Elvis wore for the actual movie scene. ( He wore black loafers for the promo photos.) For the ''Beast in Me'' jacket, I found a similar grey sport-coat and hand-drew all of the black-stripes with a permanent magic-marker.
Mark Announces His “Going Out of Business Sale”
Update on Mark’s Facebook Page: March 13, 2020
Attention!! ALL of my 1950's Elvis gear and outfits are FOR SALE! Everything must GO! I'm shutting down my page MAY 2020. ETAs or Elvis fans...message me for prices and shipping on any shirt, jacket, microphone, guitar, pair of shoes! Size reference: I'm 6 ft, 185 lbs, X-large, size 10 shoes, 42 to 44 jackets. This is it!! Go to the 'photos' section for a quick look at all of the items! U.S. and Canada sales only!
Photo Album
Editor’s Note: Many of the items in the photos may have already been sold. C.M.
A Few Words from Mark
I portrayed 1950's Elvis in my tribute show for a total of 17yrs. I was lucky enough to perform with Ronnie McDowell and his band which included the late great Scotty Moore, D.J.Fontana, Gordon Stoker, Millie Kirkham, and the rest of the touring gang that year. I performed in Memphis for twelve of those years at B.B.King's, Hard Rock, Jerry Lee Lewis's Cafe, and the Peabody Hotel, as well as the old Graceland complex. Our show band, I'm proud to say had the most detailed gear and outfits in replica of 1954 to 1957. You can still check out my photos on my replica's page.
I had a full career and loved every minute of it. I just retired a few years ago to get back to my Chinese kung fu school in Girard, Ohio, teaching full-time again.
Thanks so much again for the support of all of the real Elvis fans and to Carolyn for promoting the ETA world!! God Bless, Mark Lee Pringle.
Slide Show

Photo #1: Back in the day, no cell-phones…just my little camera. I'm standing next to Ray in-line after the show signing autographs. Everyone was so nice. Photo #2: I took off my pink Elvis tie after the performance and everyone signed it. Photo #3: A better shot of Scotty that night. Photo #4: Here I am at the Jerry Lee Lewis Cafe in Memphis. Photo #5: At B.B. Kings Blues Club in Memphis. Photo #6: B.B.King Blues Club again playing with the Memphis Jones band. Photo #7: Hard Rock Cafe. Photo #8: Peabody Hotel in Memphis. Photo #9: Performing at the Graceland shops ( old plaza). Photo #10: Outside the Graceland shops (old plaza).