Countdown to Collingwood

As we all look forward to this coming weekend at the 2019 Collingwood Elvis Festival, I thought it would be nice to pay tribute to last year’s festival in photos. The photos are from my own collection, and not professional quality by any standard; but I posted them all anyhow. Some may even be a little blurry (Dean Z is a moving target!); but each photo holds a special memory for me because 2018 was my very first visit to the Elvis festival and I took a LOT of photos. If you were there as a fan, you may be in one of the photos. If you are an ETA who performed, mingled, or competed, most likely I took your photo. If you were at the festival, or even in the vicinity of the festival, chances are you are in the slide show, grid, or carousel. It wasn’t possible, of course, to be at every venue—there are so many! But if I missed you last year, there is always this year ;) See you soon. Cheers! C.M.