In anticipation of Gordon Hendricks upcoming shows on May 31st and June 1st, 2019, I put together a slideshow of photos that I took at Sandra Gold’s two previous shows with Gordon Hendricks at the Casablanca Winery Inn and the Scotiabank Convention Centre. Ticket information for both shows can be found in the posters above and below. Enjoy the show!
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 10.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 8.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 6.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 5.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 7.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 9.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 4.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Casablanca 3.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 9.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 8.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 11.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 12.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 7.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 13.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 2.jpg](
![Gordon Hendricks - Scotiabank 5.jpg](
The first eight photos were taken at the Casablanca Winery Inn. The twelve photos after the Stripped Back album cover were taken at the Soctiabank Convention Centre. Lighting in venues sometimes poses a challenge, and some photos looked little blurry or grainy. I changed them into black and white prints to give them a retro look. The Casablanca and Scotiabank shows were the second and third time I saw Gordon Hendricks perform. I first saw Gordon in July, 2016, at a show in Hamilton, ON, organized by Collingwood judge, Rose Geoghegan. It was there, at the Lincoln Alexander Centre, where I first approached Gordon about the idea of an interview. I had no inkling at the time that I would one day own and edit my own ETA magazine, but for some reason I felt compelled to ask Gordon about the possibility of an interview. What resulted from that initial meeting, and a subsequent meeting with Sandra Gold, who was instrumental in setting the time and place, was one of SIDEBURNS Magazine’s most popular interviews.
Looking at these photos brings back great memories. I remember asking Marcus Wells, whom I had just seen perform for the first time at the Casablanca Winery and Inn, if I could have a photo of him with me after his performance. His response was so sweet. He seemed genuinely surprised and pleased that I wanted a photo of him when everyone else was clamoring to have their photo taken with Gordon. I told him that I thought he was fantastic as Elton John. The next time I saw Marcus, he was a judge at the Flaming Star Festival. And Flaming Star was not only my first competition as creator and editor of SB Magazine, but my very first Elvis festival ever!
The photo below caught my attention as I was preparing this post because of all the familiar ETA world faces in the audience that night at Sandra’s Scotiabank show: Blogger and media personality, Wendy King, Marcus Wells and his wife, Karen, Sue Harris of Flaming Star, and unknown to me at the time, Tony Busseri of the Niagara Falls Elvis Festival and Lisa Lesage of the Tweed Elvis Festival. Since that first show in 2016, I have had the pleasure of getting to know and working with so many wonderful ETAs, friends, and fans.
Just for fun, here are some photos of the first time I saw Gordon Hendricks, on stage, at the Linc (pre SB Magazine):
Notice from the editor: I tried to post these videos a second time, but for some reason YouTube is blocking a direct link. If you click on the “Watch on Youtube”, you will be able to see the videos. Sorry for the inconvenience. C.M.
Photo Credits: C. MacArthur, SIDEBURNS Magazine, with one by Annette M. (watermarked), and a selfie by Sandra. Thanks to Lori-Anne Crewe and Will Austin for offering to snap the photos of me with Gordon Hendricks and Marcus Wells at the Casablanca show, October 29th, 2016. C.M.