I received the following lovely email and photos from Hope Leon, Past President of the RWTO Hamilton-Wentworth Branch, about her experiences during ETA Brad Boland’s performance at their recent luncheon. Thank you so much, Hope, for sharing your thoughts with us all. Best regards, Carolyn.
Elvis was in the House!
Wednesday February 7th was the annual "Friendship Luncheon" at Michelangelo's for RWTO--Retired Women Teachers of Ontario--Hamilton-Wentworth Branch. Elvis was in the house!!! Our special guest entertainment was Brad Boland...Elvis tribute artist extraordinaire. I closed my eyes to listen to many renditions of the old favorite tunes, singing along of course, and I could swear I was listening to Elvis. Brad has the songs, intonations, and movements down pat, which is why he was given a standing ovation at the end of his amazing performance. Thanks 'Elvis', for adding such fun and panache to our luncheon!!!
ETA Brad Boland poses with Evelyn Martin, RWTO Haldimand Branch President, and Hope Leon, Past President , RWTO Hamilton-Wentworth Branch at Michelangelo's Banquet Centre after his performance at the "Friendship Luncheon" on February 7th, 2018.