ETAs hope their performances are 'explosive', so fans keep coming back for more.
Keeping His Memory Alive: Part Six - Fan Reaction
Audience interaction and reaction only count for 5% during competition, but are crucial to achieving and maintaining a successful ETA career post competition. At the Avalon Theatre in Niagara Falls, ON, no interaction with the performers was allowed after the Return to Grace concert. Photos and recordings were not permitted in the theatre, and my balcony seat was too far away from the stage for any hope of receiving a scarf; so I had to satisfy my desire for a souvenir by taking a photo of Steve Michaels' photo that was mounted on the wall of performers in the lobby. It wasn't until a concert in Guelph that I learned that after most concerts, ETAs do a meet-and-greet with their fans to allow time for a chat, a photo, and an autograph. It is during this interaction that bonds are formed. Sure, I know they really aren't Elvis, but for the duration of the concert, reality is suspended. And if an ETA is good at his craft, he completes the illusion. It really is quite thrilling! ETAs have a big advantage over the real Elvis in that they are living beings who are quite willing to shake a hand, kiss a cheek, or give a hug. If it was the real Elvis, how close do you think the average fan would get to him? And it is not just women my age that form a connection with their favourite ETA. I have seen children, teens, women and men of all ages patiently waiting in line. But it is women who are old enough to remember when Elvis was alive that I think appreciate the experience the most. I am sure each fan has a touching story about their favourite ETA. For me, my first such experience was a magical night in Fergus, Ontario in 2015-- an evening that continues to hold a special place in my memory.
Stay tuned for Part Seven: Interaction